Thursday, April 14, 2011

Hello again!

Well, March was a bit of an adventure and now it's almost halfway through April. M had been healthy all winter and then got hit by an awful stomach virus followed by pneumonia. Not so much fun.

Before the tummy plague struck when we were visiting the inlaws in Maryland.

Most of the visit was spent like this:

But we had lots of happy moments. M loved meeting his Grandma's new puppy.


And Mama got to do lots of this:


Thankfully the boy has recovered (and is sleeping again!) so it's back to posting.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Nap Time


A friend, whose daughter is in M's class at school, popped in at nap time today - she emailed me this picture of my little guy cozy on his cot. They just transitioned from cribs to cots a couple of weeks ago and I still didn't quite believe they really slept on them (I had visions of M walking from cot to cot, dragging his blankie, trying to beep the other kids noses...) But clearly I was wrong! The picture made me want to leave work and drive over for a kiss - so sweet!

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Snow Day!


Another big storm and daycare was cancelled, so Mama gets a day of snuggles and cuddles with the boy. The snow is up to our shrubbery! And, it took me two hours to clear the driveway with the snowthrower. I love winter, but I'm ready for an early spring...


One of M's favorite games is to climb on a chair and have me pile all of his stuffed animals on him. Then he throws them off one at a time, counts to three (ok, he hasn't quite gotten it, he says "two, two, three!") and then jumps into my arms.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Big boy on a little chair


A month or so ago we had friends over, so we had the portable booster seat out. M picked it up and carried it across the room, put it down next to the chair where J usually sits in the living room and curled up in it with Blankie and Doggie. We decided it was time to get him his own chair. For Christmas we gave him this mini chair from Ikea. We put it next to Daddy's chair - I love seeing my guys sitting together.

Thursday, January 13, 2011


It has been so much fun watching (listening) to M learn to talk over the last few months. He's started to put together two-word sentences and ask me for the names of things. It's pretty funny to hear him pronounce "dinosaur." A few nights ago I realized he was copying me when I said "chop-chop!" to hurry him along. (Later that evening J taught him to say, "Mama, bath! Chop-chop!" Apparently I was being too slow in preparing his bath...

One of my favorites is how he adds "la" to the end of things as a term of affection. It began when he started watching Sesame Street in the morning with Daddy while I take a shower. It's the sweetest thing - M and Daddy cuddled in bed with a bottle. He developed an immediate love of Elmo. I used to be so irritated by the squeaky little monster - but there's something amazingly attractive about him to little people. And, honestly now I can't help but be impressed by the folks at Sesame Workshop. A bit scared, but impressed. Anyway, M started calling him Elmo-la because of the theme song to Elmo's World. Which was pretty darn cute in itself. But then, a couple of weeks ago, we realized that he was adding "la" to other things he loved. Daddy became, "Daddy-la" and his dog is, "Doggie-la." Today when I picked him up from school I was greeted by "Mama-la!" and lots of kisses.

I love being Mama-la.


Watching Sesame, holding a cutout of Elmo-la and using a drink box as a telephone. He says "e'llo" and holds it up to his ear. Yes, my kid is a bit strange...