Thursday, September 23, 2010


It’s 9:26 PM and the power is out. I’m writing in word and will post tomorrow. We’re having an end-of-summer storm.

Usually I love power outages, but tonight Mother Nature did not have the best timing.

I had finally motivated to get off my lazy bottom and was in the middle of laundry, tidying and making food for M. I was in the basement getting a can of tomatoes (for his latest favorite – star pasta with tomato, zucchini, cheese sauce) when it went out.

It startled me and I knocked over a jar of tomato sauce when I was trying to make my way to the door.

Wet laundry in the wash, a dryer that locks you out when the power goes out (darn New Zealand technology!) food half cooked, new tv shows not recording, a tomato and glass mess on the basement floor, and…the worst of all…I forgot the yummy Fig Newtons in the car and was going to zip out after I finished in the basement, but with the power out the garage door won’t open (without using the safety release, and even Fig Newtons aren’t worth that.)

I was not in a good mood when J came downstairs to see if I was ok. Did I mention that we both have cold and he had gone to bed early?

Anyway, I was all sorts of grumbly for about five minutes before I had one of my Pollyanna-esque mood adjustments. In the grand scheme of things my slightly disrupted plans are so not a big deal. I have a wonderful life!

So far M has slept through everything, J bought us the best LED flashlights, it’s not as hot as it was a few weeks ago, so I’m not missing the air conditioning, the laundry will finish overnight, the tv didn’t look all that exciting anyway, M will not suffer for having zucchini and leftovers and I probably should go to bed early myself.

Plus, there was the most amazing fruit in our CSA box tonight – kiwi berries – they’re like miniature kiwi but not as tart. Not quite as yummy as cookies, but pretty darn good.

Ok, I’m off to cozy up in bed with one of these amazing little flashlights and a book…and my honey...well, my big honey. Hopefully the little one keeps sleeping!


Self portrait with M when he was five months. He was so round and squishy!

1 comment:

  1. What a storm! It was bad by us too. We shut off all the lights and took a couple of cold beers in to the sunroom to watch the "show". I think maybe that was mother nature's way of persuading you it was time for some much needed rest, hope you all slept well. We slept like logs and did not want to get up this morning.
