Wednesday, July 21, 2010


M isn't even 11 months old, but I'm already starting to get a bit nostalgic about his itty bitty baby days. 10 months ago I wouldn't believe that I would ever feel that way. It was SO hard in the beginning. No sleep, nursing was hard, I was hormonal. But now, not so many months on, it doesn't seem that bad. I suppose this is why the world is not full of only children.

Sleeping on Daddy - 4 days old.

1 comment:

  1. My good friend had a baby girl just 2 weeks ago, 6lbs of cuteness. I started to look at all the pictures of Little Bit from those first few weeks and I felt the same way. It's crazy how quickly they change and grow. Each stage is fun and exciting but those early days are extra special.
