Thursday, August 12, 2010

Blankie Love

M never used a pacifier and hasn't developed a particular attachment to a stuffed animal, but he does love his Blankie. It's a Carters Super Cozy blanket my mom brought with her when she came to help us when M was first born. She arrived the day we came home from the hospital and was so wonderful. She knew just how to comfort me when I started started sobbing after M's first sponge bath (I was SO overwhelmed by that tiny, screaming little human person!) She brought me yummy snacks to help me keep my energy up during middle of the night breastfeeding marathons. And, she conquered the poor neglected jungle of our garden!

When he's teething he likes to chew on Blankie. Thankfully, Blankie doesn't seem to mind.

At first it was just an ordinary blanket. We used it a bit, but it was a little too warm for walks last September, so Blankie spent the first few months folded up on the blanket chest in his room. When M started napping regularly in his swing in mid-winter I started tucking it around him. When he was about five months old I realized that he would get excited whenever he saw his Blankie and want to snuggle with it. Then, miracle of miracles he started letting me put him down for a nap awake as long as he had Blankie. That's when the beautiful, long and best of all - consistent - naps started.
Blankie + swing = sane parents.
Once we realized the secret to daytime sleep J had a brilliant idea and bought not one, but four more Blankies (they were on sale) and thankfully, so far, M loves each and every one. I love that M has a blankie. Apparently, J had one when he was little. Pretty cute. So, thank you Gramsie, and thank you Carters, for M's beloved Blankie!

M nuzzling with Blankie.

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